Send us a suggestion for a new record

Add your name: *

Add your email address: *

Title: *

Where was the object acquired: *

If you happen to be at the location, you can use the button My location. which can be found at the bottom of the page.

Tell us something about the object:

Attach attachment:

Check the box to consent to the following terms:

I consent to allow my personal data to be processed according to the terms GDPR by conditions, of this website and the Live Map application. If I send materials, I agree that they comprise free work (the author has been dead for more than 70 years) or is my own work, for which I hereby provide the Live Map application a licence, i.e. it is not a work published on the internet by third parties (in particular it is now content found by searching search engines such as or published on

My location **

* required information (please do not use autofill)
** in order to find the coordinates (your location) you must have enabled your device's geolocation in the settings